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  • Age Group: 2–12 Years
  • Capacity: 45-50
  • Structure Size: 23’ x 19’
  • Use Zone: 35’ x 31’
  • Fall Height: 5’
  • ADA: Yes



The PS3-32503 is a shaded commercial playground structure, equip to handle a high volume of children with a capacity of 45-50 children. The set has features that welcome children 2-12 years of an age with active play. The features that include physical activity are the chain link climber, pent climber and the panel ladder. The structure also has a number of interactive equipment such as the bubble panel, steering wheel and talk tube to promote imaginative play to boost children cognitive and development. This structure allows children to play while having a shaded feature to protect them from harmful UV rays.


The PS3-32503 is a large, shaded play structure beneficial to schools, churches, and recreational usage.


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